Application of MultiOmyx to iPSC Models of ALS
Research Summary
Principle Investigator: Clive Svendsen PhD
Induced pluripotent stem cell technology (iPSC) holds great promise for accelerating our understanding of the molecular mechanisms and pathways leading to motor neuron degeneration in ALS. In vitro cellular model systems generated from patient-derived iPSC lines can recapitulate many aspects of in vivo cellular pathology, and beyond basic disease research may serve as a powerful test bed to screen potential therapies. Therapeutic screening on iPSC-derived models will likely be complementary to, and in some aspects superior to other approaches, including animal models in terms of human-predictivity and speed. GE developed a unique technology platform allowing the in vitro analysis of cells and tissues to an extent not previously possible (MultiOmyx, or “MO”). An iterative labeling process allows repeated immunocytochemical visualization of 60 or more protein markers in a single sample, as well as RNA and DNA. Precision hardware and custom software for imaging and analytics enable extensive characterization of single cell structure and function as well as relationships with neighboring cells and environment. Application of this technology to ALS iPSC systems is likely to advance the utility of these models and provide new insights into neurodegenerative pathways and mechanisms.